Ram Slot Suddenly Not Working

Ram Slot Suddenly Not Working Anymore
hi there
i got this second board rampage vi apex for a month after rma from ocuk shop.
i got many problem since day one..
first problem that i cant install or log to windows with default bios setting.
when i overclock it via ez tuning everything works ok!!
this problem happen with both boards
i lived with that for a month, but now another new problem came up.
one slot of ram cant be read and it hung the board and sometime it gives me this error code 6d if populate all rams sticks.
and gave me 53 error code if i tried the bad slot alone..
i tried one stick of ram on each slot, all working except one slot A_B i guess ..the one close to cpu left side.
the bios cant read it, neither windows can read but cpuz can read it..
inside the bios i notice a slot read different setting from others
also when i go to asus spd it can not read the size of the stick..
i tried manual timing/volt upped the volt to 1.36 , reset the bios nothing help me
i reaset the cpu and check the pins also cpu no problem
i tried everything i know, so i came here for a help maybe someone can give me a clue or a solution,
my pc spec
asus apex x299 bios 802
4x8 gskill 3600c16
960 pro 512 nvme
nvidia 1050
evga 1000w 3g

Ram Slot Suddenly Not Working Together
The problem may not be due to your hardware. It could be your operating system, because there's a maximum amount of memory that a Windows-based operating system (OS) can accept. Double-check your power cords. Make sure all your power cords are plugged in. We get multiple calls about memory not working when the computer just needs to be plugged in! Both Memory Slots are identically made. If the SLOT A is detecting the MEM MODULE and letting the PC to turn on without any errors and the SLOT B is not with the same MEM MODULE. This could be a hardware issue. However to confirm this, please try with another identical MODULE( Should not matter with different size- 2gb or 4gb).