
Slot Kliko Maken

Slot kliko maken game

Dec 27, 2016 Inmiddels zijn we een paar weken verder. De stek met de sprieterige bladeren is in de kliko beland. De bladeren werden geel en dat vond ik geen goed teken. Wel heb ik het afgezaagde deel van de plant laten drogen en deze gebruik ik wellicht nog eens als decoratie item. De grote stek staat nog steeds op water maar er lijkt niet veel te gebeuren. Kliko ombouw maken in 5 stappen. Jij ook van je lelijke kliko’s af?


1.Schedule an appointment:To schedule an appointment use Schedule an appointment link on the left menu. Scheduling an appointment involves following steps:

  • a. Select Mission (option available only for CC User. For Individual /TA’s this option is disabled.)
  • b. Select Country (option available only for CC User. For Individual /TA’s this option is disabled.)
  • c. Select location : Center can be visa application center (VAC), Embassy
  • d. Select Visa Category
  • e. Click on “Continue” button to go to Applicant List Page.
  • f. Applicant list: Initially applicant list will be empty. Login User need to add applicant/s before he/she proceed with appointment date selection.
  • g. Date & time slot selection: After adding applicant/s, on click of continue, user will be taken to final calendar page where user will see appointment dates (in green) and holidays (in red).
  • h. User can select the date and time slot and confirm.
  • i. Appointment confirmation: Click on “Confirm” button in the final calendar page
  • j. An email & SMS will be triggered to the applicant/s after appointment is confirmed.

2. Reschedule an appointment: To reschedule an appointment, user need to have the reference number with valid future appointment. User can click on “reschedule an appointment” link.

  • a. Enter the reference number and click on submit to get the applicant/s details
  • b. User can select the applicant/s to reschedule and click on continue to proceed to final calendar to select date & time
  • c. Upon selection date & time, can confirm the appointment by clicking confirm button.
  • d. Appointment confirmation message will be displayed
  • e. An email & SMS will be triggered to the applicant/s

3. Cancel an Appointment: To cancel an appointment, user need to have the reference number with valid future appointment. User can click on “Cancel an appointment” link.

Slot Kliko Maken App

  • a. Enter the reference number and click on submit to get the applicant/s details
  • b. User can select the applicant/s to cancel and click on continue.
  • c. Appointment cancellation confirmation message will be displayed
  • d. An email & SMS will be triggered to the applicant/s

Slot Kliko Maken Mobile

4. Print or Email Appointment Letter: To print an appointment letter, user need to have the reference number with valid future appointment. User can click on “Print an appointment” link.

  • a. Enter the reference number and click on submit to get the applicant/s details
  • b. User can select the applicant/s to print and click on “Download appointment letter” button.
  • c. An email & SMS will be triggered to the applicant

5. Retrieve Incomplete Appointment: To retrieve an incomplete appointment, user need to have the reference number. User can click on “Retrieve Incomplete appointment” link.

Slot Kliko Maken Games

  • d. Enter the reference number and click on submit to get the applicant/s details
  • e. Login User can also add applicant/s before he/she proceed with appointment date selection.
  • f. User can select the applicant/s to schedule and click on continue to proceed to final calendar to select date & time
  • g. Upon selection date & time, can confirm the appointment by clicking confirm button.
  • h. Appointment confirmation message will be displayed
  • i. An email & SMS will be triggered to the applicant/s